For the Sake of Deen

On the 26, 27 and 28 March, I've been out on a 3 day Jamaat of Tabligh. I've been on a Jamaat before, but never for 3 days completely. My father wouldn't allow me to stay over because he cared a little too much for me. This is the first time I've traveled on the path of Allah with my bed on my shoulders and slept in the mosque. The independence day of our country have marked a different sort of independence for me. I've wondered how much difference there can be in staying over and not. Well, I've just found out that there's a huge gap. Whenever you want success, in any aspect of life, there needs to be some sacrifice, the more the sacrifice, the more closer you get to your goal. It goes for studies, profession, everything. Same theory applies for Imaan as well. The more hardship you go through for the sake of Deen, the better is your Imaan and steadfastness on the guidelines of Islam. There needs to be a great amount of hardship and sacrifice to attain the Imaan, which can inspire us to do good deeds and stay away from all evil from within our hearts. That's why it took our Prophet Muhammad (S) and his Blessed Companions (R) 13 years of hardship and effort to attain the eligibility of the complete Deen Islam, and only after that the guidelines of Islam was implemented on them. The noble work of Tabligh is nothing but the same effort as that of the Prophet (S) and the Sahabis (R), to acquire the Imaan which can keep us on the right path. By treading the path of Allah, with our beds and baggages on our shoulders, by leaving the luxurious life we used to live, by leaving our cozy air conditioned rooms, and sleeping on the floor of the mosque with people of all classes, by eating from the same plates and glasses with others, by preaching to people we consider to be low class, by being patient despite the many teases and pushes of the negligent, overall by struggling for the betterment of our Faith, all the diseases by which our hearts and minds have been filled, will slowly but surely be washed away, and in that place dependence on only Allah will be rooted. This is the goal of the work which is called as Tabligh. The blessed person through which this effort has been started again, Maulana Iliyas (Ra) didn't name it Tabligh. He said that if would name it, it would be 'Tahreek e Imaan' or, 'Revolution of Imaan'. Indeed it is so. Due to the strict adherence of the Quran and the Sunnah, this noble work has reached all corners of the globe within just a few decades. By spending some time in Allah's path, ultra moderns youngsters who are used to living life on the fast lane, are taking up the Sunnahs of the Rasul (S), becoming conveyors of the message of Allah, and thus are improving their own Imaan and that of others. If you want to understand how this effort can be such a life changing one, there is only one to find out, and that is by going out yourself.
Two of my friends from AUST, Ruhu and Fahad were with me in this Jamaat. I'm glad that they were there. Most importantly they weren't there only to pass the time of the semester break, but they have indeed learned the how important it is for us to work for the sake of Islam, and they are ready to do the work in their own community with their local mosque.
May Allah accept our efforts for the betterment of Imaan, and may Allah give all of us the understanding and the Tawfiq to give our effort, money and time for the sake of Deen, as we are suppposed to. Ameen.


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