My undying love for personal sites

I've always had a thing for personal websites/landing pages. It's been a really long time since I started my first one, which was made using Google Pages. I dug up my old emails to figure out that it's been almost nine years since I launched that! I remember I was the first one among my friends or family to have such a site online, and it made quite a stir. Soon quite a few of them started to make their own. After the folks at mountain view discontinued Pages (like many other services they used to offer), I switched to Weebly. But by then, social media sites had already become quite popular, and your Myspace, Hi5 or (a bit later but more importantly) Facebook profile became the most common address to hand out to others. I was into these platforms from the early stages, being quite active and growing my friends list in Hi5, Orkut and Facebook. Quite a while later I was introduced to LinkedIn and fell in love! Also, I was part of the beta group for trying ou...