The Blog Revamped!

Recently I've made some bold changes to my blog. The first thing to notice is that now the template has three columns, and the whole blog has a much wider interface. The label cloud is something that I wanted for a long time, but blogger doesn't provide the widget by default. So I turned to the blogger gurus. I found exactly what I'm looking for at phydeaux3's site. The Recent Comments widget was acquired from another great blogger hacks site, Beautiful Beta. The blog timeline widget at the bottom seems superb to me, it's visually pleasing and easy to use. I snatched it from Widgetbox. Another nifty hack I added is the post title icon. The 'I Am Asif' icon now appears with the post titles. Thanks to Dummies Guide for that hack. I also got rid of the 'AddThis' button for feed subscription, and implemented blogger-in-draft's own subscribe button.
I'm pretty happy about the changes I've made to the blog. I think it looks much better than before, particularly due to the 3 column wider template. What do you think?


  1. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Good to see in new getup!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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